February 10, 2017
1) The matrix (plaque used to make the impressions) is created by the artist
2) The multiples are printed by the artist or by a technician supervised by the artist
3) Each impression is approved and signed by the artist
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January 10, 2017
There are some factors you should take into consideration when dealing with paper prints:
1. Paper is sensitive to sunlight. We recommend that you consult a local framing company and request a glass that has UV protection. Think about how much sunlight the artwork will get when choosing a place to install your art work. Direct sunlight is not recommended.
2. Humidity can also damage your art work. A conditioned room will always be best for prints.
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December 10, 2016
There are different types of proofs. All proofs are impressions printed as part of the edition process. Sometimes proofs are unique and different from the final edition. The value of these prints is equal to those in the final edition because they comply with the same standards: 1) the matrix is created by the artist, 2) the proofs are printed by the artists or a technician supervised by the artist, and 3) the proofs are authorized and signed by the artist.
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November 10, 2016
Printmaking is an art medium, comparable to painting, sculpting, preforming, writing, among others. There are different techniques for printmaking, which fall into three categories based on the type of matrix used: relief, intagllio and planographic.
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October 10, 2016
When I first started dating my now husband I had to learn how to speak to him about art. It is easy for professionals in the art world to get carried away with jargon that only a very specific audience understands. TA Editions was born in an attempt to shake down the barriers that keep most people from falling in love with art, and promote Latin American art.
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September 10, 2016
Misconception #2: A print is the result of an automated process.
This is a tricky one. Printmaking, as explained in our learn section, is an artistic medium. Mediums have various techniques. So for example, paintings is to oil or acrylic, as printmaking is to serigraph or digital. Each technique’s process is different. While digital prints have the highest level of automation, other printing techniques are more manual or artisanal.
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August 10, 2016
Misconception #1: A print is a copy of a painting.
This is the greatest misconception about prints. Many people believe that prints are copies of paintings. It is true that artists make paintings with the same image produced for an edition of prints, but this does not mean the later classifies as a copy. In fact, sometimes artists will create an edition of prints first and later create a painting with the same image.
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